Thursday, October 15, 2009

Last Hong Kong

The Lippo building on HK island.

Bamboo scaffolding
Limping past the Arts Centre after our 'rest day'
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Hong Kong III

We finally leftb Stanley, but as the bus headed back up the cliffside, Anne noticed that she was on the cliff-side of the bus, and ....

.... there was a large label saying TESTING above the driver.
It would be fair to say that Anne over-reacted, as the fingernail bruises in peter's arm will attest.
The up-side of all this was that when a TUNNEL appeared, Anne merely scoffed. As Tony wouold say, "she's encouragable"
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Hong Kong II

We arrived at Stanley market, where Anne instantly disappeared in sear4ch of more bargains than she could imagine. She saved Peter thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

A brief pause for Yum Cha, to assess the weight of the new purchases, then .....
..... out on the trail once more.This time, an extra bag was one of the objects of her search.
Finally, tired but triumphant, she appeared, accompanied by the wails of the many shopkeepers who were devasted at her leaving.
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Hong Kong i

On our day in Hong Kong, we set off across the busy harbour on the Meridian Star
Thousands of craft, of all shapes and sizes, crowd the harbour every day
Past a lovely looking golf course in the rain
and on up the cliff side in a number 6X bus
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To Hong Kong

Pete on the Airport Exdpress
The view from Anne and Peter's bedroom. We had the same room in 2004, and these trees had been undermined, huge pots built around them and the building nconstructed under them. All finished now.
Another view from A & P's window.
At the Peak. Anne was worried about the slightly scary bus ride up, but the cable car descent soon removed those worries. She is so brave.
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London III

Anne went to Harrods and looked at the .........
Marble Arch
A & P at the Strand Palace
Buckingham Palace
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More of London

The Lord Mayor's office

The Tower
What was your name again?
Some horsemen riding by.
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Down to Greenwich

Under Tower bridge

The Cutty Sark and the Gipsy Moth were still being renovated, so we had to settle for this Gipsy Moth - 3 pints of bitter and 3 ciders, 1 sausage and mash and 5 cod and chips. Not bad.
Some of us checking GMT.
She bestrides the narrow world like a colossus.
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Drinks at Claire and John's place

In deepest Putney
Andy and Susie came as well
By sheer coincidence, the same taxi driver bought Cathy and Claire, then Anne and Peter, then Susie and Andy from Putney Station to the flat. As he delivered Susie and Andy, he remarked that about this, and that he'd just dropped off "an old geezer and his daughter". Said couple are shown below.
The geezer's daughter at the British Library. This wonderful place had stacks of original documents, such as the Magna Carta, Beatles hand-written lyrics, one of Mozart's horn concertos and his marriage certificate, the manuscripts of Handel's Messiah, and much more.
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Back in London

Some of the sights - the London Eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Australian tourist
Peter applying for a 10 pound passage?
Meeting Claire at St. martin in the Fields
A passing tenor at Covent Garden. Anne and Peter happened across this performance during lunch.
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