Friday, July 12, 2013

Another day en Provence

We decided to eat at the village Bistro, and Cathy tried to make the point that I speak with my hands. As the next three photos show, that is utter rubbish!

Anyway, we had a great night, and when the representatives of a Breton village who were there started to sing, Peter instantly responded with Waltzing Matilda. A Belgian lady then lobbed at our table and pleaded for a rendition of Botany Bay and we followed that by Clancy of the Overflow. The Bretons appeared subdued. 

The food was great, and for once Cathy insisted that it be photographed.

Of course Anne had to take things to extremes.

Peter and Val watched in alarm. Actually, we are now calling Peter "Pierre" since we discovered that the French word 'peter' means 'fart' in English. Of course, one of the company was quick to note that Peter Porter now means 'carrying a fart'!

Paul and Cathy were quiet and behaved impeccably.

Friday morning in Valrais. Loved the sign for cheval!

Beautiful flowers in Valrais.

Cathy, Pierre and Anne drove to Valrais, while Paul pedalled over the mountain.

Here is an example of Moto 1 getting ahead of itself.


les vins.

Lunch in Vaison la Romain - a 'light' salad.
Anne correcting last night's excesses.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Various aspects of the Drome

A shopping day in Nyons, PLUS the market.

A small Nyons tunnel

Anne on the loose in Nyons

The old Roman bridge in Nyons

I draw no comparisons to old Romans.

Various poses of an old, roamin' woman.

Another bloody tunnel

Inside the old church in Nyons

The music school

They picked up this idea from HOLLYWOOD

Anne photographing my luncheon attire

Off to the Ardeche for a day's canoeing

In Nyons market
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Un chute sans gravite

or, A Crash without Seriousness.

This caravan, see, veered on to my side of the road (or so it seemed), so I swerved and hit the kerb. A bit of noise, no damage, but a 5cm round bubble in the side of the tyre. We drove the 30 km home, but I was not happy about driving further, AND Europcar did not provide a spare (or jack!)
SO, Europcar sent a towtruck, and Peter and I set off for Orange top have the tyre changed.

Some anxious relatives saw us off.

but  Sebastian the driver was more than willing to share his cab.

The relatives at home were racked with worry, and spent the day concerned for the success of our enterprise.

They even invented a new game of pool ball!

To cut a boring story short, the pneu man at Orange didn't have our size tyre, so Europecar arranged a taxi to take us to Avignon to pick up a new car. The taxi driver's name was Jean-Paul, and his daughter Marjorie is studying Australian culture and may come to visit us in Melbourne next year.
So we eventually got home in time to interrupt the worrying relatives playing boule.

Peter and I teamed up top show them how to play the game - our score was ZERO. (stupid French game)

I decided to revert to a more civilized pastime .....

.... and as John and i arrived at the Nyons roundabout, who should we find but ....

... lovely Claire, and .....

...Cathy, Claire, croissants and coffee.

After that, off to lunch at Le As de Coeur (the Ace of Hearts) where I got chocolate all over my shirt and had to wear another one of Anne's dresses.

Val and Anne having coffee in Nyons.

Val and Anne cleaning the pool. At 35 degrees, some jobs are really hard.
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