Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 8th

Further on in the walk - Adam among the lavender

and Cathy

and Cathy and Claire

The lavender fields are really amazing, and the perfume! 

A different view of the village

Claire, Kath and Val.

The abricots are in season

Ambient temperature, 35 degrees; water temperature 27 degrees. "I might get in"

"I'll do it in my own time!"

"I'm in, I'm in the water!!"

Can I get out now? 
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July 6th

Camargue wildlife.

More Camargue wildlife.

No, not an elephant. This is a rare breed of flamingo.(note the striped pink effect?)

Hunting and gathering in Beaumes de Venise. 

Tony, Karl, Jen! A booksale.

Another coffee, this time in the square in Nyons


As soon as I arrived in Vinsobres, I was put to work!

Marseilles airport, picking up the broken-armed Adam

Claire and john arrive.

Adam at rest.

Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water.

Still at work, with bloody Ikea.

Dave, a lovely neighbour.
Cath, his lovely wife.

Cathy looking at Mt Ventoux

Dinner at Val's

Off on our morning ride.

John and Val on a walk to the lavender fields.

Claire on the grape.
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July 5th

Sorry for the delay, but as we say, I have been sans internet. As a consolation, I have a  French joke:
"Why did the French chef kill himself?
Because he lost le Huile d'Olive!"
If you're not laughing, check your pronunciation.

Anyway, the above is Cathy having our usual coffee and pain au raison in St Gilles, on the way to the Camargue

Cathy asked me to put this in, Anne, for the biscuit?

A very unprepossessing boulangerie, but breakfast was lovely.

Sussing the market in St Gilles

We didn't eat these. Animal, vegetable or mineral?

Flat peaches. What will they think of next?

Some cigonnes (aka storks) nesting along the road.

We came to the Bac de Sauvage, but in a typical French fashion, the ferry driver was having lunch from 1200 to 1330 heures.

So we waited, and had lunch in the car.

Also waiting were some equestrians ......

.... and we were the last car allowed on the ferry with our four-footed friends following us. 

I felt like singing that old song "hooray for ......., hooray at last. Hooray for ....., he's a ... etc."

Part of the beach at Stes Maries de la Mer .....

.... which is a very clean beach.

Our hotel.

They seem a little preoccupied with 'animal manifestations' in Stes Maries.

A passing Bassett, seeking to manifest himself.

The Med.
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