Monday, July 21, 2014

The Circle of Neglect

Lissy has a new toy. It's called the Circle of Neglect. Claire loves it!

It has lots of wonderful toys attached  .........
.... and makes great noises.
And it bounces!

Au revoir Provence

Our last view of the village

Eurostar parked in Avignon Centre

 Cathy and all the other passengers, hiding. Cathy failed the hiding test.
 Sunday at Mayfield Mansions.

Our Putney apartment. It's great.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

More swimming

This time in Lissy's own pool
 "I am enjoying it!"
"I think"

 "That's better"

Sorry about self-indulgent grandads.

Last Days in Provence

Dinner at Victor's - a Moroccan restaurant across the valley from Vinsobres. There's Carol again, Anne.
 And there's Dick!
Another Birthday Bob appearance.

Cathy and I snuck off for a quiet luch again, at Ville Dieu

 Cathy was determined to eat dessert (another creme brulee) but this petit salade filled her up.
 Le Cafe du Centre a Ville Dieu.
The temperature finally got so hot that .....

..... ALL the grannies went in!

 Val showing water temperature approaching 30 degrees.
This got them out of the pool. Actually, most afternoons these huge clouds come up over the Alps, but seldom last or bring rain (to us)

A birthday breakfast and lunch(es)

Bob, next to Cathy, had a birthday so we went to Trevor and Chrissy's for breakfast. Anne, you might recognise Carol (Kerel) sitting next the Cathy.
 As you will see, Chrissie tends to over-cater!
 ..... and now for the hot food.
 Trevor decided to attend as Wee Willie Winkie (he was the host, after all), but has now been immortalised as Wee Willie.
 Of course, then the scene-stealer arrived.

Needless to say, we didn't have lunch on that day, but next day we went to a lovely village called Ville Dieu for lunch. Here's mine.
 Cathy was fascinated by the large trucks that seemed almost to come into the cafe. This was one of the smaller ones ......

... and this was one of the larger ones.

Just desserts.

 We all then walked to the top of the village which .....
 ..... gave a fantastic view (that's Vinsobres in the distance) .....
 ... but was so windy that Claire nearly got blown away.
 Digesting by the pool .........
 ............ and then back to work ...
 .... for some.
Some light chopping in preparation for dinner. You mustn't think that Provence is all about eating and drinking - there is work to be done as well. (Why else would we need a siesta?)
 Dinner at Val's, with the Richards, and birthday Bob again. Actually, Bob's birthday gave us a whole range of reasons to eat and drink.
 Full moon over the dead centre of Vinsobres.
 Here she is again.