Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Into the Camargue

It might look like Dirty Harry but it's just morning coffee at Aigues-Mortes

Inside the church at A-M

Still life in quiet street
Quieter life in a still alley

An irnate building in Avignon
More Avignon

Papal palace in Avignon

Cathy asked a passing tourist to take our photo, and then ....

...I did the same thing. Who needs passing tourists? (Don't answer)
The mighty Rhone river

A lovely tree-lined street

The view from our window in Remy-en-Provence

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Apres wedding

Actually, these two photos are before the bridal-dressing ceremony.

The morning after. John watches while Adam wrestles with a large lizard.

The newly-weds

and more of them

We hired 10 of these pachiderms for the wedding, but the photographer didn't notice them.
Fortunately we managed to get one shot before they went back to Carthage.

The plage at La Napoule
Some passers-by at the beach

We stopped for a light lunch which turned out to be delivered by the kilogram. This
is after Bill had finished eating!
The big lunch didn't stop the girls heading straight to the cake shop

We drove along the coast to St. Rafael. More millionaires than you could skake a stick at

And so to the Camargue. These are flamingos, but they're not really in the pink

Wild horses

and a lovely roadside lunch

beside a rice field.

On to Aigues-Mortes, an old walled town where we stopped on Sunday

An old man Cathy saw on the fishing wharf.
Off to Les Angles this morning on the big curtain hunt.
Hope we can find GiFiPosted by Picasa

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Random wedding shots

These are just some photos taken in the garden, prior to dinner. Limited time for internet, so (thankfully?) no commentary.

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