Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cathy's view of Europe

This is an abridged version of Europe through Cathy's eyes. Some of the photos may be a little blurred, due to her hands shakling in anticipation of the food.
Steak and kidney pie a la Somerset.

Food to come!

Susie Varco blasting creme brulee

An unknown fish in St Remy 

Berry anyone?

A biscuit for Anne

A salad, somewhere in Provence

Memories blur and taste buds are dulled. You can fast forward the rest.

Another bloody creme brulee

This wasn't a bad salad, in Grignon.

Dare I say a French tart?

Moroccan prunes and lamb

Paella cooking

Tastefully arranged legumes

Another good salad
Posted by PicasaThere was more, but I'm full.

Buckingham Palace

View from Claire and John's front window, with one of the resident squirrels.

The Changing of the Guard. We felt a bit like Christopher Robin and Alice.

More guards. Plus ca Change.

Waiting to get in

This is an illegal photograph of the Guards, from inside Buckingham Palace. Apparently photography in here is treason, and Cathy just avoided a stint in the Tower.

The back garden of the Palace

Not sure about the legality of this one, but I told Cathy not to take the photo.

Cathy outside

Paul outside

The other tourists thought I was a monarchist when I took this.

One of the footmen took this illegal photo.

The Windsors will do anything to make a buck.

Susie and Angie in Berkshire .....

... visiting The Vine - an old house where Henry VIII stayed. It must have been early on because Anne Boleyn stayed there as well.

Steve, Andy and Paul leaving the 18th at Bearwood. Bloodied but unbowed.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Marketing Vinsobres

There was a rumour that the mayor of Vinsobres was looking for a new marketing logo (to replace the little bereted figure in the sign.
So John tried first .....

... and then Claire ......

.... and then Paul ......

...then Team Bookgrocer did some posing practice ......

.... then John and Paul had to have a coffee ....

... John and Adam tried a duo approach

... but then the girls pushed in.

The final submission below.

We await the Mayor's decision!
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Monday, July 30, 2012

July 24th

One of the many Olympic posters in London. Another good one was outside M&S - 'on your Marks!'

Sloane Square with bunting

Tour of Houses of Parliament. Big Ben (which is the bell) lives inside this tower which has been renamed 'Elizabeth Tower' for the Jubilee

Security gone mad. We would have sent many more postcards, but ....

A Horseguard in Whitehall

Another Olympic poster

Cathy in Piccadilly

Still in Piccadilly, but closer.

Putney High Street, Saturday morning. Waiting for the men's road race. 

A couple of spectators.

The Aussies!!

 and there they go.

Saturday afternoon. They're coming back.

More spectators.

A flagbearer.

Claire and John, waiting, waiting ......

A lone Aussie. We waited nearly an hour, and they were gone in 30 seconds. So, back to the pub to watch the finish on TV

Sunday lunch to celebrate Val's birthday. 

The end of a fabulous meal in Kew