Friday, August 28, 2009

Walking in Paris II

Anne talking to Owen and Kate
Further discussions about where to go ... up, or down the Champs Elysees
Peter finally found a bus to .....
... the Eiffel Tower!
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  1. So fantastic to see your photos. Can't tell you how happy I am for you Anne and Pete.

    Love, Kate Driscoll

  2. Here Here Mum!!
    Hi Anne and Pete - had the biggest smile on my face seeing you on the streets of Bangkok and now Paris!! Hope you don't bruise from pinching yourself too much!
    Keeps having a ball! You deserve it! xoxox

  3. Why aren't there any pictures from the top of Tour d'Eiffel? Was there some kind of mutiny, were youse overcome by indifference or was it just pure unadulterated fear?

  4. Welcome to the first world at long last! (don't tell Jen I said that)
