Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shopping for the wedding

Stop 1 was Epernay. The town symbol says it all (it's a champagne cork, I think)

Not having the camera saves me a lot of work, but sometimes there's a price to pay.

First stop in Verzelay, in Champagne. We all tasted the range of wines at Michel Arnould & Fils and were so taken by their Traditional Brut that Claire and John bought the total wedding supply there.

The grandmother of the family threw in a bottle of their Premier Cru vintage, which Cathy is here seen trying to carry away.

And so on to Bouzy, having passed the town of Dizy on the way. The Champenois certainly seem to live out their product.

The patented Bouzy wine delivery method.

John and Adam, discussing the results of another in-depth investigation into the local product.

Val and Cathy doing likewise.

And here is Bouzy in all its glory. Actually, the sleepy Saturday afternoon was about to be shattered by a huge thunderstorm

Bye, bye, Bouzy

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  1. A Bouzy thunderstorm is the best kind.

  2. With the blue jumper Paul you look like a retired Science teacher.

    Did Cathy ever give up the bottle?

    Who was the chick in the wind cheater. I thought it was summer!

    Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bouzy goodbye,
    Gotta getta going bye bye Bouzy goodbye,
    See you on the next trip about the break of day,
    Just a little glass and I'll be on my way,
    Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bouzy goodbye,
