And there she blows. Many of the team cars or press cars with Australian affiliations saw our flag and called out as they went past.
Our possie, right on the roundabout. Paul said "they'll slow down a lot through this corner, and we'll get a good view"
The whole route is marked with these official markers. At the end of the day, a little van arrived and took them all down.
Claire and John then tried to be patriotic, but John got carried away with the Union Jack. Claire, as you can see, was a star.
Unfortunately, the caravan was running 15 minutes late, and went past at speed. They threw no goodies at us, so there'll be nothing to share when we get home.
The leaders of the peleton. I decided I wasn't going to miss this, so I simply held the camera up, with the button depressed, and watched. I was also wrong about the corner. They were going bloody fast.
awesome. feels like i was there! Great shoot from the hip camera action Dad!