Monday, July 23, 2012

Last day at the TOUR

Of  course, nothing starts without coffee........

 ...........and then you turn around and see this!

'Allo Wiggins. The Poms invaded Paris for today.

Cathy texting on Pont Alexandre III

The Police are coming. There seem to be hundreds of police vans.

A couple of Aussie fans on the Champs Elysees

Is it Wiggins?

Bloody hell, they've cloned him. No, it is just one of the preliminary rides. 

The beginning of the caravan

Other photos of some of the caravan.

And then, Hincappe leads the peleton onto the Champs Elysees. His last Tour. Must admit the lens misted up a bit at this point.

The peloton, 1st time 'round.

The breakaway, coming down the hill.

The peleton in pursuit.

Last lap.

Sadly we couldn't see the finish live, although they had a giant screen.
 A typically French touch to the day was that , along with superb food and drink outlets, great audio commentary and well set up viewing, THERE WERE ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLIC TOILETS. 


  1. There's nothing worse than not being able to spend a penny. Isn't it time you went back to London? Stop enjoying yourselves so much.

  2. The pics of the tour looked wonderful. When do you get home?

  3. Ok don't answer me!

    Did you see our pics of New Zealand on K's blog.

    We note there are no comments.

    We are looking forward to catching up in Melbourne.

  4. Sorry Peter. London and the Olympics have been a little distracting. We get home on Tuesday 7th August, in time to start training for Round the Bay
