Thursday, September 10, 2009

French Design & Technology 101

Our morning coffee in Bayeux was greeted with this outstanding piece of non-design. If anyone asks you the time while drinking from this cup, DON'T ANSWER.

In the same bar, Cathy went to the toilet, then returned to demand that Anne go and photograph the loo. The Gladwrap type film on the seat rotates (on pushing a button) through about one-third of a turn. Three pushes of the button and you're guaranteed a clean seat. Very unique.
Down the road from our bar, the top storey fell out of this house. The Creperie downstairs was not impressed, or was it???
Finally, Peter found the French solution to getting water for your Pastis.
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  1. The Bayeux cup perhaps.

    What happens to the used plastic on the loo? is it used for baguettes or does it just go round and round?

  2. I think it must Peter. It's comforting to know that you'll only get every third person's germs though, surely.

    Aren't they DIFFERENT?
