Sunday, June 12, 2011

On the Canals

Somewhere in a marina, far, far away. Actually, just out of Rugby. Andy and I were dropped there, loaded the boat, and off we sailed ......

... straight into a 1000m long tunnel. I thought of you, Ann, although I didn't know what was to come!

Some of the steering presented difficulties .....

... but then we arrived at a little village with 7 locks in a row. Quite an introduction to the
joys of working locks!

Mooring on day 1. After nearly 9 hours of sailing and working lock gates, Andy then proceeded to cook a lamb barbque, with jacket potatoes and a salad. Followed by cheese, and the rest of the two bottles of red. Sleep soon followed.

Even after the red (and the bottle of white for lunch), Captain Varco had us sailing off at 8.oo a.m. the next day.

Into another tunnel, this one 3 km long.

Half-way through, we met another boat coming the other way - total clearance was measured in inches. Actually, they couldn't bring horses though these tunnels, so men hired themselves out to lie on their backs on the roof of the boat, and "walk" the barges through the tunnels.

Straight out of the tunnel and onto an aqueduct across a river .......

... after which we stopped for lunch. Actually, we didn't stop. Andy prepared and served lunch on deck while we pushed on. This little effort was Scotch eggs, pate, salad and pickles, with a bottle of white

A canal-side pub. We stopped for the occasional pint, but the food and drink was much better on board.

Our mooring on another night. We had barbqued pork belly, sausages, potatoes and spring greens, plus, plus. On other nights, he cooked (from scratch) roast lamb with all the trimmings, chicken and mushroom casserole, shepherd's pie, all with the mandatory two bottles of red, and cheese to follow.

As well as all this cooking and planning, Andy also did his share of working the locks.

After each lock, just near the tow-path, these grooves appeared in the walls. When the tow-horse was re-attached to the barge, the rope rubbed on the corner of the lock until the boat was pulled clear. 150 years of doing this produced quite an effect.

It didn't rain much, but when it did, Andy was ecstatic.

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  1. 8.00 start. Only 4 hours to the bottle of white.

    I'm sorry, Paul that you didn't have to walk a barge thru a tunnel

    What a gastronomic delite


    Andy looks like the original ancient mariner.

  2. We have lovely memories of Kerensa and the Thames. What is Andy's secret? He doesn't seem to age. We have a photo of Andy wearing the same rainy day expression at Montreuil-Bellay Chateau in 2009! Thanks to Andy for sparing us the tunnel route though.
