Friday, June 17, 2011

Wildlife on the Grand Union

We liked the very English name

and the nice purple flowers. Don't expect identification of any but the simplest forms of wildlife.

You'll have to consult Erik about this one.

Are these hyacynths? or skylarks?

A mole. You have to consider timelines when looking at this photo. If you move a little backward, in time, you'll see what I mean.

No, the weeping willow is not the subject - it's the coot in the left foreground.

Golfers, deep in bunkers. (Please refer to the previous comments on timelines - they were there sometime before, and after, the photo was taken)


Heron, just before being taken by an alligator.


Other flowers

and some huddling baby ducks, or as we say on the canals, ducklings.


and a nice house to finish.

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1 comment:

  1. Skylarks or what larks!

    The beast could be Smaug!

    It's very green and pleasant isn't it. Could we have some dark satanic mills please?
