Thursday, July 7, 2011


Lunch at the Bistro in Vinsobres

Still there, with Claire and John

Lavender fields. The colours are really getting intense as the days get hotter. Nowadays you see the lavende, the grapevines and the tournasols.

We drove to St Paul-aux-Trois-Chateaux which will be the start point for Stage 16 of the Tour this year. The Tour actually goes down the road past Vinsobres, along the section that I ride each day.

The roundabouts near St Paul-Aux ... are covered with Tour things

Cathy, of couirse, has eyes for other things

and these are for you, Anne

Lance Armstrong signed this!!!

Another rond-point

Lunch in a little village where the Order of Templars was formed.

Pretty flowers

Cathy checking our car before we gave it back.

Claire cleaning Val's pool

Off to ride around (but not up) Le Ventoux

That's the mountain in the background

On the way to lunch at Grignon.

Le Hotel de Ville a Grignon

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