Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 11 & 12 To Roussillon and then at home

Karl and Pirkko went to Arles for lunch, and the rest of us drove to Roussillon, the ochre centre of France. Erik dressed appropriately in orange and brown, to match the village houses.
 Some of us in front of the ochre cliffs.
 I ordered "deux assaiettes (?sp) de frites" which Cathy and Jen discouraged. With a little help from the boys, they were dispatched.
 Ice creams on the wall,  after lunch.
 Back home, and Pirkko arrived with new pyjamas for the boys.

 Next day, a raid on the orchard. Actually, the orchard belongs to M. Jean, the owner,  and we are permitted to eat the peaches and apricots which load the trees.

 A book for digestion.
 Lunch on the lawn, provided by Pirkko. Today was Turkish salad soup (fantastic) and then (I think) Finnish pancakes.
A bottle of Sancerre, then one of rose de Anjou, then a long afternoon nap.

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