Friday, September 25, 2009

And into Italy

If anything, the roads got hairier, with cliffs, precipices and .....
In between the sub-terranean parts, the scenery continued to be marvellous, but
... the day was punctuated with the regular counting of tunnels. In the 4 hours from Briancon to La Spezia, Anne counted 137 tunnels.
A full statistical analysis, including types of tunnel (road, rail, foot, boat); numbers of each type; abberant tunnels (e.g. a foot tunnel underneath a rail tunnel containing a moving train) etc will be forthcoming in the fulness of time.
Anne is considering a PhD thesis on the subject.
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1 comment:

  1. Does Anne now have tunnel vision? Is the mountain, Mt Blanc? did you go through the Aosta Valley. That was where Jacqui was.
