Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Language problems.

In Verdun, Peter and I bought tickets for a museum while Anne and Cathy went to the loo. I explained to the attendant (in French) that his two Australian wives would be along shortly, and would he send them upstairs. He appeared confused.

Votre femme Australien 1
Votre femme Australien 2
Then in Briancon, we decided to have a haircut. Peter rehearsed what he had to say then I added, "moi aussi, avec the comb" pointing to the No.2 cutter comb. well, they got my instructions right, then ...
applied the same instructions to peter. Voila! Un Pierre novelle.
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  1. Nice moustache Dad! Love the posts. Great to chat today. The kids loved it too. 23 days to go...

  2. Hoh hoh hoh! You both look like frogs! No food shots today? Italy?
