Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 26th

Thornbury castle, with Val. This was immediately after we'd eaten a huge Spanish meal and could hardly walk.

A crockety croquet player.

The inside of Thornbury castle - it's a hotel now.

Some of the hotel staff are very quiet, but at least this bloke had a stiff upper lip.

The continuing saga of the village mural. Each day, new paintings, and newer thought-bubbles, appear.

Wells cathedral.

A different view. I didn't put in another photo, or I'd have had to say "Wells, wells, w ....." Sorry.

Cathy at Penniless Porch

The Fleet Air Arm museum at Yeovil.

No-one claimed that Concorde was part of the Fleet Air Arm, but that seemed to be the implication.

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  1. It's a pity you can't be wait(weight) listed on the Concorde for your return journey.

    Kerry's got a mate in Yeovil. He's a little feller called Geoff. Did you run into him?

    Did you learn the appropriate rude words for a bad croquet shot? It's a great Scrabble word.

    Did you get any Spanish Eyes for lunch?

    The hotel staff member you posed with Paul looked a bit rusty.

  2. Continued excellence. I hope that you managed to get some lunch in. Why no golf? Outrageous.

    Don't mention the cricket.
