Thursday, June 13, 2013

A & P. A day out in Bath

On the train to Olveston to visit Val.

Val and Peter in the village.

Bristol Parkway station, quivering with excitement, on the way to Bath.

Bath Abbey

Trying to get in.

Peter and Val at the Pump Room ....

... having morning tea.

More morning tea with Anne.

When they got to the Ballroom, the chandeliers had been lowered, ......

... so firstly Val and Peter, and then .....

Anne and Peter let down their hair.

Later, in the streets of Bath

And even later, on Royal Crescent.

When in Bath, of course, what do you do  ....?

At Thornbury Castle

Val at the thicker end of a wedge

Peter with flowers.

Peter and Val with a very quiet friend
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1 comment:

  1. Is Royal Crescent near Rotten Row?

    What has happened to Peter's beret?
