Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cathy's out-of-body event

Having seen The Audience last Saturday, Cathy and I fronted up on Monday for "An Audience with Helen Mirren". BUT, we arrived early. SO we drifted around to the stage Door, and who should pull up in a limo but .....

Unassisted, she got out of the limo......

... and was besieged by pushy groupies.

Then she saw our Cathy!

No, she didn't ask for Cathy's autograph, but she did sign Cathy's ticket.

Here ....

.. and here ...

... and there!

Cathy said that she used to follow Jane Tennyson, and Helen (Cathy's close friend) said "and now you follow the Queen".
Cathy was jubilant.
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