Wednesday, July 17, 2013

a Vaison la Romaine

Dinner on the terrace. Why Claire needs tomato sauce on perfectly good Australian food, I don't know. She doesn't put it on French food!

Ah! The 'Romaine' in Vaison la refers to the Romans.

They left their mark.

A question for Peter O'L. Is this a public toilet for small Romans?
Or not.

Roman columns.

and so on.

More columns of Romans.

I will not make any comments about ruins. 

And now for something completely different.
No, not the 2CV, but ........

.... Tour rest day in Vaison. All the empty gear looked quite forlorn.

A voiture officiel scuttering past.

Yesterday's pennants.

Tomorrow's Podium

Le tour depart.

Peter checking that they're really gone.
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  1. John seems to be looking at Claire's sauce habits in a very old fashioned way.

    It looks like a loo to me. The blokes would have to be sharpshooters and the girls sit very still. As for the other???????????

    Well it had to come back to bowels didn't it.

    I'm sorry Claire hasn't pursued a career as a podium girl, she came so close!

    But it could be retirement employment for Cathy and Anne. They could specialise in the king of the mountain presentation.

  2. Yes and I forgot to add:

    In Vaison was a young man and he
    Urgently wanted to pee,
    He took aim at the hole
    Held onto his pole
    But aimed it a little alee.
