Monday, July 15, 2013

A brief visit to Orange

On the way, we passed Chateau de Ruth - Ruth's secret Provencal hide-away.

Here is a photo of the actual hide-away. 

Beside the road there are little white flowers, and when you look closely at the buds, they turn out to be snails! Great protection from predators.

Finally in Orange. This Arc de Triomphe is actually Roman, and over 1900 years old.

Orange advertising.

Anne could hardly resist this - E#lephant rose.

The Teatre Ancien in Orange. We didn't do a tour because;
a) they were constructing the set for a new opera, and
b) it was 38 degrees!
All Roman construction, though.

A large statue - not Queen Victoria, although ......

On the way home, we stumbled across a GOLF  COURSE. We may get back to have a game.
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1 comment:

  1. "Perhaps the selfsame song that found a path
    Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
    She stood in tears amid the alien corn, or in her Provencale hideaway.

    K and I came across the Teatre almost by chance. We went in and when right up the top you could hear conversation in the stage area. Wonderful.

    Are you going back to see the opera?

    It all seems quite hot. You'll enjoy the Aussie winter.
