Monday, August 15, 2011

Outback #1

Meeting our pilot and plane ....

.. and the pilot's boss!

These planes don't go everywhere.

The Red Baron. The other pilots in the hanger couldn't stop laughing when Bill dressed the part.

Ready to go!

A serious Cathy early in our first flight.

A relaxed Paul.

The Flinders Ranges. The cloud and fog were too thick for us to go near them at this stage.

Paul flying! (Well, just a little bit)

Flinders Ranges

Heading for Wilpeena Pound.

Wilpeena Pound

First sight of Lake Eyre


Lake Eyre and desert.

Our first stop - Moorileena Station

On the ground again!!

The spare parts shop at the cattle station. Cindy, the owner's wife, says the station is "just under a million acres". Medium size.

Two navigators at work.

Another two birds

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