Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 5. A day at the wetlands

We went to the Slimbridge wetlands for the day. From the jet trails, it was obvious that most people were going to America.
 Eager for the treat.
 First stop - for a Lissy feed - overlooked the Carribean flamingos. I think they put something in their water.
 Claire, Val and Brenda (Val's mother) at feeding time.
 Everyone but the photographer at playlunch.
 Lissy tells Brenda what she had for morning tea. Milk again!
 Off to see the birds.
 This bloke, Peter Scott, founded the whole wetland movement in the U.K. He is the son of Scott of the Antarctic.
 Greater flamingos. One has just stepped off the nest for a bit, leaving the egg exposed.
 They are fairly pale until they lift their wings, then .........
 Brenda spurned the pigeons and ducks as 'common', but she was impressed by this 'posh' bird. Can't remember its name.
 This is not a bird. It is a otter.
 Soon after morning tea, we had to return to the restaurant for lunch. The girl is insatiable.
 Giving Val what-for again.
 It's good to be home again.
 Annie, Val's next door neighbour, came round for dinner.
 Spag bol, salad and a good Vinsobres red.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Americans are flocking to UK to see such a beautiful baby. She is so happy and why wouldn't she be. We just love the photos. And the clever commentary. XX
