Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vienna Day 1

Setting out from Hotel Cristal

Passing up the bike option ...... 

... and Anne and Peter choosing to carry on from their Rome adventures

Of course, Anne was soon distracted from Peter's charms

but then braced herself for another descent into the Underground (or U-Bahn, as we say these days)

These twins gave us the inspiration to ....

.... buy Peter some Lederhosen

... but as you can see, he decided to stick to the height of Aussie fashion.

Cathy in St Stephen's platz

and A & P on the Hop on bus.

After the bus, we walked about 1000 km through the old Hapsburge palaces ....

.. remembering the bright sunny skies from the bus.

What can I say.

St Stephen's again


And then the girls had to have coffee. We offered Starbucks, but they wanted this place on Kartnerstrasse. The bill equalled lunch and dinner combined!

But the strudel was good, and the waiter looked like Russel Crowe.

Off again.


Cathy cast a wistful eye at a tour group. NOT!
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1 comment:

  1. Take me back to Vienna! You should of used the bikes.

    At airports they call it kiss and drop.

    I think I might get some Lederhosen for my Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg. I could were it with my Beret as the sign of an entente cordiale between France and Austria at least.

    There is no discussion of the quality of coffee in Old VIenna. The strudel looks ace.

    Starbucks! words fail me.

    I trust Anne can use this trip to get over her hephelump obsession-or not.
