Saturday, June 22, 2013

To France

Our last morning in Germany, and a lavish German breakfast in fantastic surroundings ....

... including the chandeliers.

Many of these fields of solar arrays along the road. I wonder why we don't do this in Australia.

We don't need traffic jams like these, though. Fortunately the jammed traffic was trying to go the other way.

France at last!

This means I can navigate by road atlas rather than the bloody GPS (although I don't think we'd have survived a 9 hour drive through the German freeway system without the GPS)

Dumped our gear at the hotel in DIZY and went to have dinner in Epernay. First thing we saw was this ....

There was a music festival on in town, so we sat in the square and ate dinner with very loud music.

I thought I was ordering a normal Italian meal, but it had a RAW EGG in it. The loud music luckily distracted me from the horror of this.

We then discovered a Portugese drum band. Again, very good but very load.

One of the locals, showing the latest in Champagne footwear. Perhaps he treads out the vintage, or something ....

Anyway, because most of today was spent in the car, this blog is short, so we have a limerick on offer.
To wit:
A daring young lady from France,
broke her heel one day in a dance.
She limped to the Seine
in considerable pain,
Then hobbled her way off to Reims.

Entries will be accepted for an alternative such as:

There was a young man from France (or Reims, if you wish)
Who ......

The neatest correct entry will receive a citation from the portside travelers, and publication of their efforts in this blog. 
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1 comment:

  1. sorry for the comment drought but it never rains in Southern Queensland (and we had no internet access)

    At last, the German officers crossed the Rhine, parlez vous?

    The solar panels are better than nucular power stations (couldn't resist any way you threw the switch!)

    Epernay. I thought it the place du jardin de Money but that's called Giverney so clearly I'm going nuts.

    Okay, bring it on

    There were four hungry relos in France
    who couldn't get into the dance
    so they went to a caff(e)
    and caught Golden staph
    which put a quick end to their laff (laugh)
