Monday, July 1, 2013

In the red

Sorry, terrible blog name, and inaccurate. In the ochre, really. We are on our way to Roussillon, the ochre capital of France (Europe? the world??)
The D99 into St Remy has about 10 km of tree-lined roads like this. Mostly straight and very impressive.

We got to a little town called Goult and Cathy, the driver, decided to investigate. 

As we wound up the hill through the town this road got narrower and narrower. At one point, patrons at the local bistro had to move their tables and chairs to let us through. The realisation slowly dawned that the NO ROAD sign at the bottom of the hill referred to us.

The top, though, was spectacular .....

... with a windmill (ancient) and a great view.

On to Roussillon which is surrounded by red cliffs and bluffs.

Unlike the other Provencal villages, Roussillon is coloured with the local produce.

Now, where are the car keys?

On the way home, we drove through Gordes. Beautiful hill town, spoiled a little by the numbers of tour buses. We did drive up Col de Paul, though, Peter. It seems to have got steeper!

Reprise to another ochre cliff.

There are 365 different shades of ochre. Amazing that there are the same number types of gum trees.

The next lot of photos are a mixture of Roussillon and Gordes. You can tell by the colour.

I wanted to get a photo of the tiles beside Cathy, so she is just a distractor here.
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1 comment:


    I'm not happy, but (with clenched teeth) are pleased to hear you are all having a lovely time in Provence.

    I hope you get the opportunity of going to Apt (further east) and of course to Isle sur La Sorge (ice cream to be had)

    Also go south to the Luberon (unless you've been there before) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    I'm surprised you all enjoy retirement so much, it's not as if fighting with judges and clever opponents is not fun!

    I suppose when you get to Val's house at (I forgot) there will be pictures of lavender, long lunches swims and bike rides.

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (am never going to look at the blog again)
