Wednesday, July 3, 2013

To the Camargue

Out of St Remy through a beautiful avenue of trees. At Ruth's behest, we were searching for clouds and rain, but alas the sun stubbornly continued to shine.

Past a large, impressive, nameless monastery.

And there were the wild horses. 

AND the flamingos

and even more flamingos.

Peter was driving today and he took fright at this road sign ......

.... as well he might.

More wild horses who have obviously escaped (from the wild)

Lunch beside the Mediterranean

Digestion beside the Mediterranean

Anne having a splodge.

Cathy was fascinated by this sign - it was on the truck of a professional fisherman who was unloading his boat into it.

How now - a dhow!

... and a boat called LILI ....

... and one called VERONIQUE ....

.... and little JULIE

We figured that this was written by Vivivivivaldi

Janet. Cathy says these are for you!

Borderline power clash (on the right)

More flamingos.
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  1. As for the clouds and rain, I'm with Ruth.

    News from home. I came in on the bus sitting next to the Sharapova of Words with Friends. Every time she received or made a move she grunted.

    The birds remind me of:

    On our block all of the guys call her flamingo
    Cause her hair glows like the sun
    And her eyes can light the sky
    When she moves she walks so fine like a flamingo
    Crimson dress that clings so tight
    She's out of reach and out of sight
    When she walks by she brightens up the neighborhood
    Oh every guy would make her his if he just could
    If she just would
    Lyrics from

    I did like all the pretty horses. Could you bet on any?

    Lili looks like a retired 470

    Did you ever find out why the car ferry listed to port?

  2. I'm more interested in the 'Attention Chevaux' sign. Were there horses marching in front of it in lock-step, saluting with their hoofs? I thought so.

  3. Dear Grannie and Grandad, you have been having quite a lot better weather. We have rain every single day. I like your blog. Love from Erik. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  4. Dear Grannie and Grandad, I hope you have been having a lovely big trip. The photo of the rose is really really pretty. Love from Oskar.

  5. Thank you for the Julie boat - like the fact it is white on red - very symbolic! Loving the blog - looks like you are having way too much fun. Brings back lovely memories of our time in the south of France for Claire & John's wedding. Will be looking for you tonight at "the tour" - go Gerrans. Sending love, Julie (was going to sign Big Julie but doesn't have a nice ring to it!!)
