Sunday, June 30, 2013

To the South!

Breakfast at le Train Bleu, Gare de Lyon

While we waited for the train, this guy wandered up and played Beethoven's Appassionata. From the style and quality of his playing, we think he was on his way to a concert appointment.

On TGV 6111 to Avignon

500 km and 2 hours later, the first field of Lavender. We are in Provence!!

Our new car.

Our apartment in the old centre of St Remy

It looks like the apartment has just been renovated. It is brilliant.

The back streets of St Remy


Deux biers et un pichet de cidre dans une place joli.

Look closely. An "Anne' window.

Under the wisteria.

Time for dinner .....

.... surrounded by petunias

A shop window full of these, all with the right hand waving. Ah, those Frenchies.

Coffee and pain au raisons outside the Hotel de Ville. Sunday morning.

There were a group of 'le septics' eating nearby, and Anne could resist giving them a fashion lesson in headwear (or is it headware?).
Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage normale.

Cathy had to get into the act ....

... and then Peter. Luckily, I had the camera.
After the 'hat' outburst, Anne restrained herself.
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  1. Look this is terrific. Can we see more of St Remy please.

  2. I knew it would happen, I am now taking both cranky pills and envy pills. I am quite overcome and will take wine tonight to excess!

    We have just had a very wet June, unlike your June which sounded very sweaty!

    The cidre square reminded me of the square at Gorde and when Keats said of Autumn,"Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
    Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours."

    I bet there were no oozings just gluggings. I assume the pichet was emptied.

    Re the headware, I'd like to see Anne with that hat over her bike helmet.

    As for dinner with the petuniae, wasn't there room inside?

    I'm glad to see you had deux biere, so as to solve the gender problem (unlike our Julia)

    Strike a light there's an elephant. How unusual (he said unhelpfully)
