Tuesday, July 2, 2013

St Remy de Provence

Here are some random shots taken as we wander around the village.

Nostradamus was born here! He predicted that he'd die before we arrived, AND HE DID!!

This is the entrance to rue Michelet, our street. The apartment is just around the corner to the left.

Most of these photos were taken on a Sunday when the whole of France shuts down. Even le tanques (septiques) seemed to be dormant. Of course, all shops are shut on Mondays and then .........
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1 comment:

  1. Did you notice any comments from Nostrodamus about my lottery ticket?

    Did you see anything like the back streets of St Remy (Naples), two children begging in rags?

    I see that the weather's fine. That is indeed a comfort. 7deg in Sydney this am but by spleen is now vented and I am charity personified.
