Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pont du Garde

Off over the Durance, skirting Avignon, and on to Remoulins.

As we walked down to the Pont, we came across this olive tree. It was planted in 900AD

Le Pont du Garde.
Similar photographs that follow will not be labelled, as there is only one Pont du Garde, and this is it.

The obligatory afternoon glace.

It was hot, and the water looked beautiful, but we forgot our togs.

Cathy had to be quick to catch this passing example of power clashing.

We're still looking for Rudd Stadium.

Who indeed?
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  1. What were the olives like. I bet the oil was not virgin!

    There was a young woman en Garde,
    Who finally played her last card,
    she wanted a bridge
    built from ridge to ridge
    but could only manage a fard(t)

    The Rudd stadium will be built after the next coup.

    Ou est Paul (next)?

  2. That Pont Du Garde has really gone downhill in the last couple of years.

  3. Also 'power clashing' just went on to high rotation.

  4. It hasn't changed much since we saw it. Loving the comments from you all. Don't take too much notice of my husbands, I don't so why should you!
