Tuesday, June 25, 2013

a Paris

Gare de Lyon. We've arrived, and after three times around the block, found the apartment.

Priorities! First, find your boulanger.

We're quite near the Bastile, which is now a large column and not a prison at all. The Canal St Martin (which we intend to sail up) goes directly beneath the column, so I hope the supports are strong.

In Gare de Lyon buying travel passes.

Anne finds it hard to stay on task. Outside the Hotel de Ville there was this mound, and .......

Of course, Cathy had to get in on the act, and then ......

.... the serious members of the troupe were roped in.

Anne and Peter loitering near the Seine.

Sur Pont de Notre Dame

The Town Hall. 

Tower of St Jacques. This was our last familiar sighting as we spent the next two hours walking many  kilometres through Les Halles, looking for a  No 29 bus. Arrived home, by Metro, very tired.

Sunday morning at the Aligre market. Reputedly the best in Paris, and we found no reason to dispute this. Some of the (very fresh, very cheap) produce follows.

We know that Ruth produces a lovely vintage in Provence, but Tony seems to have influence everywhere. 

On the way home from the market, we had to cross rue Daumesnil (our street) while a 10 km run was passing. There was nothing for it but to merge in with the flow, and edge across while laden with produce.

Apparently this is where they make Blogs.
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1 comment:

  1. Tony's looks shut. Perhaps he's gone to Aus.

    We stayed just round the corner from the Hotel de Ville. Only up two flights. The air conditioning did not work and when we complained we got the parissienne shrug. We did not press the point further.

    I'd like to know where Cathy came in the 10k run.

    Did you buy some cerises, they looked bonzer.

    J'm surprised the fish stayed in the ice, they looked like they were about to escape.
