Saturday, June 29, 2013

Last day in Paris

Yesterday, Cathy and Anne discovered a shoe shop, and Cathy went beserk! These are some of the shoes they tried on before buying heaps.

and these .....

... and these ...

We had to go back today to buy more.

So overjoyed was Anne that she appears to be moving into a classic elephant dance at this stage.

Some of Cathy's many purchases. I think she is trying for a power clash here.

Cherries? Don't talk to me about cherries, Peter.

A last wander through the Market Aligre .....

... sous la pluie .....

... avec le blossom de l'orange.

Anyone got any bright ideas?

This is discriminatory! If you wish to smoke noisily, you should be allowed to.

Another of Cathy's new shoes meets a snail.

Some tea for you, Janet

I suppose the French do play rugby, but it seems a little strange

A heap of cars


Gutter-washing taking place on the Ile St Louis.

 A very old house near Hotel de Ville
Very nearly had another elephant incident when Anne saw this sign.

 Afternoon tea (or pastis) at the Cafe du Livre

Paris' oldest Brasserie. We're having dinner here tonight.

No thanks.
Reprise to the Seine. A freezing bride on the Ile St Louis.

Crossing back to the right bank.

C'est Clouseau??

Tomorrow we leave for Provence, and wifi reception may be problematic. We will post at every opportunity!
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  1. I take it soldes does not mean sold yet!

    Ahhhh, cherries

    Perhaps silence is a river like the Seine. Don't smoke on Le Silence.

    I think M. Clouseau has a prostate prioblem.

  2. It is difficult to contain my jealousy! Prancing about Paris, eating and looking and buying and being jolly. It looks wonderful. Enough to counter the horrific loss to Port Adelaide last week? Only time will tell. Keep the photos coming! We are really enjoying living vicariously through you while we shiver our way through winter. Also the Demons won a game! Yes you heard me correctly! I am still recovering from the shock. Love Ruth XXX
